Our Programs


The 1.5 generation, Cambodian children born in genocide and refugee camps, are survivors of traumas of war and were resettled into the U.S. systems of violence making them vulnerable to the school-to-prison-to-deportation pipeline. They carry with them stories that deserve to be heard. We offer individual support to build bonds and trust with our members.

Peer Support Groups

To deepen the healing process New Light Wellness strives to create brave spaces, empower narrative change, and offer wrap-around resources steeped with language access and cultural humility. We will uphold a wellness framework that embodies trauma informed care, uplifts ancestral wisdom, decolonizes mental health, and centers our collective joy.

Leadership Development

New Light Wellness will establish a presence in Cambodia and will co-create a wellness ecosystem with the guidance of our impacted communities. Our impacted leaders fellowship and workforce development program will offer advocacy and wellness facilitation training for each leader to hone their skills, create, and facilitate their own projects and campaigns.

Impacted Community Members

For individuals and families impacted by deportation and living in Cambodia, please fill out this intake form to learn more about our programs.